Chairman's message
The basic human rights and dignity of the Palestinians have been usurped since 1948. Their ancestral lands were stolen, their villages burned, and they were forced out of their homes.
Since her inception following the Gaza massacre in Dec 2008, Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM) has been unrelenting in her pursuit towards advocating justice, peace, freedom, and self-determination for Palestine. In more tangible forms, VPM has, up to the 1st quarter of 2017, transferred over RM 13 million worth of funds to finance various medical, educational, micro-financing, housing, and agricultural projects in Palestine.
It would have been impossible to achieve the many milestones in our “Viva Palestine - End the Occupation” campaign, without the generous support of our individual and corporate donors, well wishers, and symphatisers.
Our website shows the activities you have funded in Gaza and the impact it has had on rebuilding the country and its arduous journey towards freedom, justice and peace.
My eternal gratitude to the awesome band of VPM members and volunteers who have worked tirelessly and ungrudgingly to mainstream the humanitarian crisis in Palestine.
We stand in solidarity with the brave ordinary people of Palestine, whose extraordinary resolve and spirit remain unbroken in the face of extreme odds.
~ Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin
Who we are

In the aftermath of the Gaza massacre on 27 Dec 2008, 50 Malaysian NGOs united to champion the Palestinian cause. The Coalition of Malaysian NGOs against Persecution of Palestinians (COMPLETE) formed on 5 Jan 2009, cuts across religious, racial and political barriers. To embrace international solidarity, COMPLETE was rebranded as Viva Palestina Malaysia, to reflect the humanitarian nature of the crisis in Palestine which must be shouldered by all responsible citizens of the world.
"My message to the international community is that our silence and complicity, especially on the situation in Gaza, shames us all" ~ Desmond Tutu
"Few are guilty, but all are responsible" ~ Abraham Joshua Heschel
"The worst moral crisis of our modern world" ~ Nelson Mandela