Fund Disbursement

Update Report on Projects implemented in March/April 2015

Posted in Fund Disbursement


Report dated 4 May 2015

Project No. (14/2015): The scholarship project - we have implemented the program in 5 universities and next week we will complete the program for the remaining universities ( Al Azhar, Al Aqsa, and Al Quds open university). This project is very important for Palestinian university students because there is a huge number of students who can't pay for university fees due to the bad economic situation for many families. The new semester will start in September, and we hope to start a fund raising campaign in July /August to fund the new intake of students in September. We hope to make this project an annual program with the proposed campaign name "Donate to Educate" to raise funds for scholarship program or any other related educational programs.

Project No. (1/2015) Micro Financing project - We have completed the assessment and disbursed micro loans to 18 beneficiaries from the 2014 fund. We are now selecting new target groups of beneficiaries to disburse further micro loans under project No (1/2015) amounting to USD 30,000.

Project No. (18/2015) Lighting up A Home in Gaza - Construction and Relief Society invited electrical companies by tender announcements to supply the lights and 5 companies participated in the tender. They selected the best tender and insha Allah we will provide 250 LED systems for 250 families.

  1. - West of Gaza City – Gaza Governorate.
  2. - East of Gaza City– Gaza Governorate.
  3. - South of Gaza City – Gaza Governorate.
  4. - Rafah governorate.
  5. This makes up the first and second phase and we hope to gather more fund to cover the remaining governorates (Al Wustah, Khanunnes, North of Gaza).

Project No. (3/2015) Renting and furnishing DQWS kindergartens - DQWS completed providing electrical and electronic equipment and also toys and swings to the kindergartens. In the next two weeks, DQWS will provide the furniture (tables, chairs for kids with desks, book shelves and teachers chairs).

Project (02/2015) Provision of health care for needy and poor families - this is implemented by the Orphans House Society. The project is in the process of being implemented and so far 350 patients received help under this project by way of:

  1. - Supply of medicine for free.
  2. - 50 % to 100 % contribution towards the cost of operating surgeries.
  3. - Cash for patients who need money to travel to get their medicine.
  4. - Free medical preview for orphans and their families.

Project No. (12/2015) Freelancing day - Media youth Center and Rowad have completed this project and we are awaiting their report. So far, we see that this project is very useful for people looking for work using their skill with the internet, and it gives some hope for post graduate students as we have some programmers earning about USD 1000 per day from this freelance work using their skill on the internet.

Project No. (09/2015) Rehabilitation of poor families' houses - This project focuses on improving the lives of poor families especially those who live in homes with no roof, no bathroom , no kitchen. USD 2,000 can make a big difference to their homes and lives. The beneficiaries of this project are the very poor and not those who lost their homes due to the wars. A short video will be made available soon insha Allah to share with our donors as we hope to raise more funds for this project because these poor families are in dire need of help. When our representative in Gaza visited some of these families, he could not imagine how they survive, some of them sleep on sand.

Project No. (5,6, and 7)/2015) Providing computer labs to universities

  1. - UCAS has completed providing the lab and we are awaiting the final report from them.
  2. - Al Ummah University has completed providing the lab and have sent us their report.
  3. - IUG is in the process of providing the lab as they have asked for special equipment and are now waiting for the supplier to deliver it through the Israeli gate.

Project of (16/2015) Providing Halothani vaporizer - Yafa hospital has contacted the supplier to provide two units of Halothani vaporizer so we are awaiting for them to be delivered.


Providing Power Generator

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Thank you to our Malaysian donors... Project No: (03/2015)  Project Name: Providing power generator for main building of Dar Al Quran Al Karim Wa Sunnah. Targeted Area: Gaza City. The normal power "electricity " is only available for 4 to 6 hours per day in Gaza Strip. All organizations are therefore forced to stop working when there is no electricity. By providing small or medium generators to these organizations, they can carry on with their work and provide services to the Palestinian People.

Solar system cost too much to cover DQWS need of power as they have 3 floors with about 20 administration rooms and tens of electrical equipment. The generators work better for DQWS.


Micro Finaning projects in Hebron

Posted in Fund Disbursement

The Islamic Society of Hebron, West Bank sent their report on Micro credit for small projects summarized as follows:
This was done in collaboration with PGPF.
The entrepreneurial spirit of these Palestinians ladies is simply breath taking.
Let's together do more to help these women!

First project:
A. Name of Beneficiary: Sabah Bannat.
B. Family member: 9.
C. Amount of loan: USD 2500.
D. Project Type: Developing Hairdressing Shop by providing needy equipment.

Second Project:
A. Name of Beneficiary: Areej Rashed
B. Amount of loan: USD 2500.
C. Project Type: Developing Photographic studio by providing needy equipment.

Third Project:
A. Name of Beneficiary: Suaad Jafraah
B. Family member: 5.
C. Amount of loan: USD 2500.
D. Project Type: Developing Clothing and housewares shop by providing needy equipment to sell it again.

Fourth Project:
A. Name of Beneficiary: Azeezah Al Atrash.
B. Family member: 10.
C. Amount of loan: USD 2500.
D. Project Type: Developing DJ shop for organizing women parties such as ( Wedding Party, Graduation Party , Engagement ceremony ).

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Blind Student Camp 2015

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Thank you so the Malaysian Donors for their contribution towards The Light camp No. (03).

Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM) Implemented

By: Dar Al Quran Al Karim Wa Sunnah.

Targeted Group: 60 of blind students.

Targeted area: Gaza Strip.

Project Description: the project seeks to enable blind students in Palestine to memorize Al Qur'an Al Karim and give them the capacity for reading Al Quran verses in a professional manner by educating them with Al Tajweed rules.

The 2014 camp for blind students has ended and we are looking forward to the coming Ramadan to start the 2015 new camp for blind students.

01 02 03

05 04 10