YOUR DONATIONS have made it possible for us to provide DAILY HOT MEALS to Gazan Angels such at these. Many more are in need of our help, more than ever now. (Minimum Costs per day US$1,000/RM4,840)
Our other DAILY projects:
✅ Safe Clean Water (8,000 liters per day) (Costs @US$320/RM1,550 per day)
✅ Sponsorships of Medical Team Allowances in 3 Medical Points. (Costs @US$4,500/RM22,000 per month
Other Projects:
✅ Repairing Wells (Water pumps and/or electrical wiring)
✅ Food Baskets/Parcels
✅ Cash Assistance
✅ Many others
Maybank Account: 5-64324-601324
International donors & Credit card via PayHalal on our website (1.2% service charge applicable): www
For receipt, please WhatsApp+6011-21370569
To view our previous projects, please visit our Instagram: vivapalestinamy