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VPM Micro Credit Project - Nusserat Camp

Posted in Projects in Gaza

VPM Micro Credit Project

Project area: Nusserat camp – Middle of Gaza Strip.
Amount of loan: USD 2500 to Sabha Aburashed
Project: Capital to buy stationary and other school materials for her small bookstore.   

Family member: 9 persons (3 members study at Gaza university)

When Sabha Aburashed first started her business, she struggled to generate revenue and get the right people to fund her business.

"I have this burning desire to become an entrepreneur to help my family but my only challenge now is capital but now after Rowad funded me with soft halal loan from VPM I am able to help my kids.

"There is no bookstore in my area and I chose the right location for my business outside a secondary school" she said.

"Now I have money to feed my kids and to help them complete their college to help me in the future".

"Now I have daily revenue from my bookstore so i take a part from this money for daily family/business expenses and the rest  for developing my business and repay my loan. I am working hard to ensure the project is sustainable and generates income to make my family proud of their Mum.

VPM Micro Credit Project - Big Abssan East of Khan Younis

Posted in Projects in Gaza

VPM Micro Credit Project

Project area: Big Abssan East of Khan Younis
Amount of loan: USD 2500 to Waleed Abu Teer
Project: Provide beehives to produce honey and sell it. Family members: 9 persons ( 2 studying at Gaza university)

Waleed  says “When I heard about Rowad and the loans, I immediately went to get one. So, I could buy the honey production equipment. That meant I was able to pay for my rent and food for my family, buy the materials, make a reasonable profit and, above all, repay my loan on time.”

Two years later, Waleed's son graduated as an agriculture engineer but could not secure a job.

With his experience in agriculture he helped with marketing the honey.

"We get a lot of order for our product because it is high quality honey" Waleed says.

"I’m so proud of what I accomplished for myself and for my family. I sent two kids to university and I fed my family.” Waleed says  

He would not have been able to it without the loans he had received from Rowad that was funded by Viva Palestina Malysia.

The Newsmakers: Gaza - life on the strip

Posted in Gaza


They call it ‘the world’s biggest prison’. Nearly two million people live on a small strip of land, about the same size as Manhattan. Very few people get in or out of the Gaza strip. It’s under an Israeli blockade - by land, sea and air. Inside, a generation has grown up knowing only conflict, poverty and destruction. Nicole Johnston has reported on Gaza for years, and covered two wars with Israel from the strip. In this Newsmakers documentary she returns during peacetime, to see how people have survived ten years under siege.

Medical Home Services Project

Posted in Projects in Gaza

Project No. (21/2015)
Medical Home Services Project

Funded by:
- Viva Palestina Malaysia.
- Mercy Malaysia

Implemented  and supervised by:
- Doctors Worldwide Turkey (DWWT).

In collaboration with: Assalamah Society.

Project Period: 2 years.

Project description:
To provide the beneficiaries, namely war wounded people and their families and those with disabilities, with health rehabilitation services at homes which includes medical treatment, nursing, physiotherapy & psychological support.

Micro Financing for poor families in Gaza

Posted in Projects in Gaza

Project 02/2016
Micro Financing for poor families in Gaza.

Viva Palestina Malaysia  continued her signature micro-credit financing to more  deserving beneficiaries. Most of them are women.  

This is the 6th year of micro-financing in Gaza & West Bank. The sum disbursed  is about USD 2K per project which enhances the family's economic status.

Many are able to begin payback after 6 months of implementation!

Thank you to all donors who have contributed towards this  noble effort towards financial independency & sustainability.

Keep Them Warm II

Posted in Projects in Gaza

Project No. 01/2016
"Keep them warm II"

Funded By: Viva Palestine Malaysia.
Implemented By: Rowad Society & Gaza Society for relief labor.

Project Description: To provide heavy blankets and children's coats for poor and homeless families, to protect them from the blistering cold winter in east Gaza (Shujayia & Al Zitoon)

Our sincere thanks to all VPM donors who contributed to this winter relief project.

Providing partial scholarships to university students at Gaza Strip

Posted in Projects in Gaza

Project No. (43-B/2015)
Providing partial scholarships to university students at Gaza Strip, to enable them to continue their higher education in the first semester (2015/2016).

In collaboration with University College of Applied Sciences UCAS, and supervised by Palestine Aid Society.

The event took place in the rehabilitated UCAS HQ building that was attacked in the 2014 war by the Israeli army.

This is part of VPM project No. 43/2015 - Providing Partial scholarships for poor Palestinian students in 4 universities in Gaza Strip - IUG,AZU,UCAS and QOU.

Our sincere thanks to all the VPM donors who contributed to this educational project for Palestinian students, and we hope to assist more  students in the upcoming semester to complete their university studies.

Adopt A Hafiz - 3rd Year

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From Engineer Hani Thuraya VPM rep in Gaza:
I am very proud of receiving this memento on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Muslim Professionals (MPF) Malaysia & the many Malaysians who funded this Adopt A Hafiz Program - third year running.

Presented by Dr. Abed Al Rahman Al Jamal DQWS chairman & Dr. Ahamd Bahar the first deputy to president of Palestinian legislative council.

May Allah accept all your deeds and bless you infinitely on judgment day.    



In the third year of this "Adopt A Hafiz" Program in collaboration with Aqsa Syarif & MyCare, about RM600K was spent sponsoring students which also meant we created jobs for teachers who were either bread winners or had to pay their uni fees.

Alhamdulillah! this year we graduated 84 full Hafiz for 30 verses of al Quran in two years under our fund and 800 other huffaz for partial parts from 12-29 juz.

Inshallah you will all enjoy the opportunity to adopt a hafiz when we next appeal for funding in the first quarter of 2016.

Thank you all yet again

Our children, the Huffaz. Allah bless!

The Huffaz waving Malaysian flags!


As book prizes the Huffaz were awarded US30.00 incentives.

MPF/Aqsa Syarif/MyCare now has 900 students in this project.

Let us all make them huffaz within the stipulated 4 year period and enjoy the blessings too !

VPM funding medical equipments & medicines for Palestinian medical NGOs

Posted in Projects in Gaza

A quadripartite collaboration between:
1 As-Salama Rehabilitation Society
2 Kia Ora Gaza (New Zealand)
3 Doctors World Wide (Turkey)
4  VPM

Providing rehab services to disabled children and creating "disable friendly ambience" in home, schools and the special child's immediate environment.

This will be a major focus for fund raising in 2016.

Engineer Hani Thuraya, VPM rep in Palestine.