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Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival 2015

Posted in Events

Schedule of events:

Movie Screenings Schedule on BOTH DAYS at BlackBox:

11 am : The Wanted 18
1 pm : Flying Paper
3 pm : Where Should The Birds Fly
5 pm : The Stones Cry Out


Special appearance by MIZZ NINA after 4pm for charity selfie and autograph 4.00 - 4.30pm Dabka Dance by Palestinian group (tentative)

SUNDAY, 11 Oct
10.30am-11.30am Musical Performance by MUADZ DZULKIFLI & friends
11.30 – 12noon Dabka Dance by Palestinian group
10.30 am -12noon Special appearance by MIZZ NINA for charity selfie and autograph

On-going activities at WhiteBox:
10 am - 6 pm BOTH DAYS
- Photo Exhibition by Al-Quds Foundation of Malaysia
- Charity Bazaar
Palestinian Olive Oil | Palestinian Handmade Soaps | Palestinian Hand-embroidery Dresses, Pouches etc | Palestine-inspired Costume Jewelry & other items | Viva Palestina Malaysia's Merchandises - Scarves, Umbrellas, tshirts, Car Stickers, Pens etc I Madeena Boutique I Aidijuma Boutique

* The Prisoners' Diaries in English, Malay (@RM20) & Arabic (@RM25)
* Remember Us (@RM30)
* The General's Son by Miko Peled in English & Malay
* Gaza Writes Back in English & Malay
and others

Limited Copies:
* The Battle of Justice in Palestine (Autographed) (@RM60)
by Ali Abunimah

Food, desserts & other items by vendors.







Letter to Bon Jovi

Posted in BDS

Roger Waters strongly worded letter to Bon Jovi who performed in tel aviv on 3rd Oct, despite calls to boycott. He chose the side of oppression when he could've chosen justice.

Often in the past I have written detailed, and sometimes even persuasive, letters to colleagues in the music business, encouraging them not to give succor to the Israeli government’s apartheid policies by performing in Israel. Having read Jon’s comments last week in Yedioth Ahronoth, I won’t waste my time drawing parallels with Apartheid South Africa and the moral stand that so many artists took then and that thousands are taking now in the face of decades of Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

So the die is cast, you are determined to proceed with your gig in Tel Aviv on October 3. You are making your stand.

You stand shoulder to shoulder

With the settler who burned the baby

With the bulldozer driver who crushed Rachel Corrie

With the soldier who shot the soccer player’s feet to bits

With the sailor who shelled the boys on the beach

With the sniper who killed the kid in the green shirt

And the one who emptied his clip into the 13-year-old girl

And the Minister of Justice who called for genocide

You had a chance to stand

On the side of justice

With the pilot who refused to bomb refugee camps

With the teenager who chose eight prison terms over army service

With the prisoner who fasted for 266 days until freedom

With the doctor banned from entry for saving lives

With the farmer who was cut down marching to the wall

With the legless child growing up in the rubble

And the 550 others who won’t grow up at all

Because of the missiles and tank shells and bullets we sent

The dead can’t remind you of the crimes you’ve ignored. But, lest we forget, “To stand by silent and indifferent is the greatest crime of all.”

Roger Waters

Dr. Mads Gilbert in KL

Posted in BDS

Come listen and join his call for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) against Israel to end the seige of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine


DR MADS GILBERT was born in 1947. He is a Norwegian physician and humanitarian activist. He is a specialist in anesthesiology and head of the emergency medicine department at the University Hospital of North Norway. He is a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Tromsø.

Dr Gilbert has a broad range of experience in international humanitarian work. He has volunteered at a kibbutz (Israel), Angola, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lebanon etc. Since 1970s, he has been actively involved with helping the Palestinians. He has served as a doctor several times in Palestine for NORWAC (Norway Aids Committee)

His home city of Tromsø is the twin town of Gaza since 2001. Tromsø has sent more health workers to Palestine than any other in the world.

His 2009 book "Eyes in Gaza" on the Gaza War has been translated into several languages. Dr Gilbert has been lauded as a "hero" on social media for his work in Gaza.

Dr Gilbert was on emergency assignment for the Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC) with the surgeon Dr Erik Fosse to support the humanitarian effort at al-Shifa Hospital during the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict. During this period foreign journalists were barred from entering the Gaza Strip. As international media reported from outside the conflict zone, Dr Gilbert maintained frequent contacts with Norwegian media, CNN, BBC, ABC and Al Jazeera.

Dr Gilbert draws a clear distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. “I’m a strong anti-racist, there is not a milligram of anti-Semitism in me. But I oppose apartheid and colonialism.”

He adds "This is not a difficult conflict, it is an illegal occupation – it continues, it expands and it costs thousands of innocent Palestinian lives. These people have the right to defend themselves, the right to resist. The right to resist implies also the right to resist with arms, if you’re occupied.”

4th October 2015

The number of people who turned up to listen to Dr Mads Gilbert was overwhelming. People were sitting on the floor and standing at the back and the sides of the hall. His talk was an eye opener to many and some were not quite prepared to see and hear what he had to reveal.

As one of VPM committee member posted on her Facebook:

I saw men cry. When Dr Mads Gilbert played a video of a little boy screaming from his injuries I saw grown men cry. The injured, the scarred, the besieged people of Gaza were seen today. The dead were heard today. In a way that will haunt us for a long time. Maybe forever.

And yet he says, "Gaza is the cradle of humanity. It's where you should go if you wanna know what it's like to be human."

Kiwi-sponsored ambulances delivered to Gaza clinic

Posted in News

Dr Musa Mohd Nordin, Chairman of Viva Palestine Malaysia announces the delivery of two fully-equipped ambulances to the clinic run by Doctors World Wide – Turkey in Khan Younis city in central Gaza, this week.

The ambulances and medical equipment, jointly sponsored by VPM and Kia Ora Gaza, will greatly assist the work of the clinic treating the large number of patients maimed by Israel’s relentless attacks on Gaza.

The handover of the ambulances has faced lengthy delays due to the tight siege that Israel and Egypt imposes on the Gaza Strip.

We thank all those who generously supported our medical appeal, which will also help replace the dozens of ambulances that were destroyed during Israel’s brutal 50-day war on Gaza last year.

”Save Gaza” Gloves Auction

Posted in Fund Raising

In conjuction with IMAM’s Silver Jubilee Dinner, we are organising a first ever ‘Bid for Gaza.’ The bid will be Azizulhasni Awangs famous “Save Gaza” gloves during the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

Click here to bid

Rules and regulations:
1) Online bidding closes at 5pm, 1st oct 2015.
2) Final bidding will continue at the 25th IMAM Silver Jubilee Fundraising Dinner.
3) Winner will be announced during the 25th IMAM Silver Jubilee Fundraising Dinner.
4) If the winner is uncontactable by 3 working days, the gloves will be given to next highest bidder. Please give LATEST and CORRECT contact details.
5) All payments must be settled by 3 working days.
6) Price not including postage.
7) IMAM has the right to make the final decision

**All proceeds go to Viva Palestina Malaysia.

Conversations With 3 Icons to FREE PALESTINE

Posted in Videos

The 3 Icons are - Anna Baltzer, a Jewish-American author and activist for Palestinian human rights, Ali Hassan Abunimah, Executive Director of The Electronic Intifada, an independent online news publication focussing on Palestinian affairs, and Samah Sabawi, a Palestinian-Australian-Canadian writer, commentator, author and playwright.


Posted in BDS

FOLLOW UPDATES on the conference Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/events/418207771637502/444503195674626/
Ali Hassan CV
Anna Baltzar CV
Samah Sabawi CV




For close to 70 years, Israel has been violating the rights of the Palestinians with impunity. Denied their right to freedom and self-determination and subjected to ethnic cleansing and systematic discrimination. Today the world watches in horror at the genocide taking place in Gaza.

But in spite of its glaring brutal oppression of the Palestinians, Israel has hardly been rebuked, let alone held accountable for its crimes against humanity.

This led to a call by Palestinian civil societies to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel or BDS. That was 2005, nearly ten years ago. Today BDS Israel is a global movement, spanning the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

What are the aims of BDS. Contrary to popular belief, it is more than just economics.

A Campaign of Isolation

BDS sends a clear message to the Israeli government that it is a rogue state not welcome anywhere until it recognizes the Palestinians right to self-determination and fully complies with international laws. It involves isolating Israel culturally, academically and economically.

A Moral Statement

BDS is a moral statement that says, “I don’t consume these products because it is morally and ethically wrong.”  It empowers consumers and reminds them that as individuals they have a choice. It is about standing in solidarity with a people under occupation for more than 60 years.

Creates Awareness

BDS creates awareness and is a reminder of the long and brutal occupation the Palestinians have been living under. Each time we see the brands or companies targeted, we will remember the occupation.

Applying Pressure
BDS is about pressuring businesses to cease their relationship or change their business policies with a government that violates the rights of an entire people.
BDS  is now a global movement that involves Nobel Laureates, academicians, poets, musicians, artists, award winning journalists. It includes universities, churches, student bodies, businesses and even the government of South Africa. This is a call to stop this bully through peaceful, non-violent means.

Are we strong enough to be effective?

Boycott South Africa started in the 1950s and was the idea of a small group of activists. It took decades but eventually almost the entire world stood united and brought an end to South Africa’s racist government.

Can we do it again?

In unity lies our strength. Do not make the mistake of doing nothing just because we think we can only do little. Just do what we can. Let us each act within our circle of influence.

An International Conference   on ‘Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions for Justice’   will be held on 12th September 2015 at University Malaya to plan the Malaysian BDS: A Framework of Action”

We invited three icons of the BDS civil movement to share their experience and expertise. They are:

1.     Anna Baltzer – Activist & Author for Palestinian Rights, USA

2.     Ali Hasan Abunimah – Palestinian American Co-founder of electronic.infitada.net,  USA

3.     Samah Sabawi – Palestinian/Australian/Canadian Author, Commentator & Playwright

The one day conference will consist of:

a.   2 plenary sessions

b.   1 symposium

c.    5 workshops




0700 - 0830



0830 - 0900

Welcome notes


0900 - 0945

Plenary I:

The Battle for Justice in Palestine

Ali Abunimah

0945 - 1030

Plenary II:

BDS: History, Philosophy, Strategies, Challenges and Successes

Anna Baltzer

1030 - 1100

Coffee Break


1100 - 1230

Symposium I: How to BDS?

1 Types of BDS

2 Case studies of BDS – international experiences

3 Australian BDS – a national experience

Ali Abunimah

Anna Baltzer

Samah Sabawi

1230 - 1400

Lunch & Prayers


1400 - 1530

Workshops: BDS Malaysia: Nurturing the Culture of Civil Resistance

1 Consumer boycott

2 Academic boycott

3 The ABC of Divestment & Sanctions

4 BDS awareness campaigns

5 Students & youths role in BDS


Hafidzi, Zabrina, Aqsa

Samah, Zahurin, Aqsa

Ali, Musa, Norma, Aqsa

Anna, Azra, Aqsa

Mike, Hamidah, Aqsa

1530 - 1700

Presentation of Workshop resolutions to Panel Experts

Chaired by Musa

Closing by Nazari

Expert Panel:






1700 – 1730


After PC  After the Press Conference today, 4 Sept 2015

Distributing new groups of loans for micro finance projects

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Through project No. (01/2015) activities Viva Palestina Malaysia in cooperation with Rowad Society at Gaza Strip distributed new groups of loans for micro finance projects which run by poor and needy families in Gaza Strip in order to develop their economic situations to enable them depend on themselves on providing their life costs especially the families that consist of large of members.

Tens of Palestinian families applied for getting this chance to develop their micro projects, but after filtering all applications by depending on logical case studies and families situations, Rowad society selected 7 cases to be the beneficiaries from the project, since the amount of loan for one project not exceed USD 2500.

1. Clothes shops (USD 2500) - North of Gaza City.
2. Library for selling stationery (USD 2500) - Nusserat camp - Middle of Gaza Strip.
3. Small Shop (USD 2000) - North of Gaza City.
4. Small Shop (USD 2500) - North of Gaza City.
5. Small car for selling cleaning materials - East of Gaza City.
6. Small Shop (USD 2500) - Gaza City.
7. Bees small farm (USD2500) - Khanuness - south of Gaza Strip.

" Poor Families Box "

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Viva Palestine Malaysia and Rowad Society signed an agreement for implementing project No. (39/2015) "Poor Families Box" in Gaza Strip.

Poor Families Box project aims to help Palestinian poor families in providing some of their urgent needs, since the economic situation for thousands of Palestinian families in Gaza Strip is very bad, and there no incomes sources for them, so as a result for that the poor families are prevented from paying for “Renting their homes, Buying medicine, Providing baby’s needs, Providing gas cans for cooking, Providing food or transporting costs for their students to go school and universities” , so by this project VPM in cooperation with Rowad Society will try to solve some of these problems by providing for poor families some of what they need from the poor families box which will be Implemented by Rowad Society and funded by VPM office in Malaysia.

Competition in Gaza for blind people to memorize the Quran

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Aljamal of Dar Alquraan AL Kriam had suggested we hold the first ever competition in Gaza for blind people to memorize the Quran. We had expected children and youth to participate but Alhamdulillah many blind senior citizens also came forward after hearing the announcement on the radio.

The competition was funded by private donations channeled through Viva Palestina Malaysia.

Providing 2 units of Halothane Vaporizer

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No: (16/2015)
Project Name: Providing 2 units of Halothane Vaporizer
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
Implemented By:Palestinian Orphans house association
In cooperation with:Yafa charity hospital
Project Description: the project aims to provide two units of Halothane Vaporizer to add for Anesthesia device in surgery operating room in Yafa hospital, this gas used in anesthetic children during the surgery operations. Yafa hospital is a charity hospital works on serving poor and needy families in middle of Gaza Strip governorate at medical sector, and it running costs depends on the donation from kind people, and the medical treatment give to beneficiaries in discounted prices reach to 100%.

Distribution of Ramadan Food Baskets.

Posted in Fund Raising

3 July 2015

Alhamdulillah, Great Thank to Viva Palestina Donors, May Allah accept from them, and bless their kind work.

Project No: (35/2015)
Project Name: Collective Iftar in Al Aqsa area.
Targeted Group: 500 of Al Aqsa visitors and prayers.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
Implemented By: Al Aqsa association for protecting and Maintenance of Islamic Waqf - Jerusalem.

1 July 2015

Project No: (33/2015)
Project Name: Ramadan Food Vouchers.
Targeted Group: 500 Families.
Targeted area: Ramallah & Hebron - West Bank.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
Implemented By: Islamic charitable society - Hebron.
In cooperation with: Ramallah Zakat committee.

1 July 2015

Project No: (37/2015)
Project Name: Distribution of Ramadan Food Baskets.
Targeted Group: 250 Families of Palestinian refugees in South of Turkey.
Implemented By: Hayat Yolu - Turkey.