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Medical projects by providing medical equipment and medicines for their charitable hospitals

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Viva Palestine Malaysia (VPM) and Arab Medical Union (AMU) office in Gaza City signed 4 agreements with 4 medical NGOs in Gaza Strip to start new medical projects by providing medical equipment and medicines for their charitable hospitals.

It aims to develop the health sector in Palestine in cooperation with medical NGOs by enabling them to provide healthcare for impoverished Palestinian people in Gaza Strip. It is funded by VPM and supervised by AMU, and will be managed by:
1. Assalamah Charitable Society.
2. Yafa Hospital.
3. Al Karamah Hospital.
4. Public Aid Hospitals group.

Our sincere thanks to all VPM donors who contributed to these medical projects.

Providing partial scholarship

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No.(43-A/2015).

Providing partial scholarships for university students at Gaza Strip, to enable them continuing their high education in first semester (2015/2016), in Cooperation with Islamic university of Gaza - IUG, and supervised by Palestine Aid Society.

This event was implemented in IUG HQ building that was attacked directly on 2014 war by Israeli army after partially rehabilitation.

Great thanks for VPM donors who contributed for this important project for Palestinian students.

Rehabilitation poor families houses

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Al hamdulelah Palestinian Orphans house Society (POHS) has finished project No.(25/2015) which helped 8 of poor families by rehabilitation their homes.

This project was funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia and Mercy Malaysia foundation, so would like to thank all people who contributed and donated to implement this important project in Gaza Strip.

Project No: (25/2015)
Project Name: Rehabilitation poor families houses.
Funded By: Viva Palestina Malaysia.
In cooperation with: Engineering office in Al Ummah university
Targeted Area: Middle of Gaza Strip Governorate.
Targeted Group: 8 of Palestinian poor families.
Project Description: This project aimed to restore and maintain 8 houses of poor families, Targeted beneficiaries are selected according to special criteria. Then price offers prepared and awarded. The maintenance process started after that in order to rehabilitate the houses to become habitable. The maintenance process included the restoration of kitchens and bathrooms, painting and tiling works and maintenance of doors and windows as the need for each house. The project will produce health and comfort houses which will become habitable for at least 20 years.

2015 Winter Project: Let's help keep them warm

Posted in Fund Raising

There are 500 families at Al-Yarmouk camp, Syria, who face a tough winter without electricity and running water. There are hundreds of families in Gaza still homeless after the Zionist aggression last summer.

Please join us in our campaign to provide them with blankets, heaters and warming clothing. Bank details given in the poster and on our website vpm.org.my.

Thanks Ezz Al Zanoon for the photo.

New success story for poor Palestinian family

Posted in Fund Disbursement

New success story for poor Palestinian family:

They were living in bad economic situations, without any source of income, their father is suffering from chronic disease, so they always need to provide special medicine for him, in addition have two sons need to pay for their university fees to continue their studying, all of this in addition to normal needs of live.

The family heard about Viva Palestina Malaysia micro loan project, and they applied for getting micro loan in Rowad society office (local partner for VPM), after they fit the project conditions, they got their loan for starting small project.

Then they have started their small project "Mini Market", and their income starts rising, and now they feel comfortable, because they can provide their father medicine, and pay some of universities fee.

Our great thank for VPM donors who change the families live in Palestine, and always support Palestinian people withstanding.

KL Palestinian Film Festival 2015

Posted in Events

Since her inception in Jan 2009, Viva Palestine Malaysia has been unrelenting in her pursuit towards advocating justice, peace, equality and self-determination for Palestine. In more tangible forms, VPM has transferred RM 10 Million worth of funds to finance various medical, educational, agricultural, housing, micro-financing and women’s projects in Palestine.


VPM has undertaken various advocacy and awareness campaigns to mainstream the Palestinian cause. The Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival (KLPFF) has proven to be very impactful in screening to the Malaysian public the sufferings and persecution of the Palestinian people under Zionist occupation of their lands.


Our fourth KLPFF2015 will screen 4 films at Publika, Solaris Dutamas from 10-11 October 2015. One of the films “The Stones Cry Out” depicts the sufferings of the Palestinian Christians who have been driven out of their ancestral lands.


Following the 4th military onslaught of Gaza in July 2014, many university students were unable to fund their tertiary education. VPM raised RM750,000 to fund 600 students to continue their education in 7 universities in Gaza.


Concurrently, we hope to raise funds from KLPFF2015 to sponsor these students to pursue their studies until graduation. This is the investment of your generous donations towards the nation building of Palestine.

We dedicate KLPFF 2015 to the brave people of Palestine, whose resolve and spirit remain unbroken in the face of extreme odds. We salute the ordinary people of Palestine who have demonstrated extra-ordinary feats of valor and fortitude.

KLPFF 15 poster 151007a

IMG 1526 IMG 1524 IMG 1584

IMG 1476sm IMG 1480sm

IMG 1517sm IMG 1523 IMG 1579

IMG 1575  IMG 1466sm IMG 1494 IMG 1580 IMG 1512 IMG 1582 IMG 1585 Sinar write-up

Educational Sector

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Project No:(05/2015) - Educational Sector.

After waiting for 9 months for provider company to enter the needy equipment for Lab. Viva Palestina Malaysia & Islamic University of Gaza opened new computer lab. at IT building in Gaza City.

This Lab contains of 10 work-stations (Multi processors Pcs.), these work-stations will help IT college students, computer engineering college students and Multi media department students in doing their tasks and training on using the media programs for (photos and Video processing, web designing), since students need long time if they want to do the processing in their normal laptops or PCs, but if they use the work stations PCs they will save their time, and invest it to do other tasks.

In Summer IUG will use this lab for computerize some education courses to be online for every students in form of (Video Flash courses), in addition to that this lab will enable 10 post graduated students to on work on this program.

Solidarity with Palestinian Popular Resistance

Posted in BDS


16 October 2015 / 3 Muharram 1437H

Solidarity Wave Oct 2015



Viva Palestina Malaysia has been tracking very closely the tragic sequence of events in Palestine.


Our global partners have reported that up until 14 Oct 2015, 30 Palestinians have been murdered, many in cold blood. And 2,000 have been injured by Israel’s Occupation Forces (IOF) and fundamentalist settler terror groups since early October 2015.


A shoot-to-kill policy, among other illegal and draconian measures, have been adopted by the Israeli government in an attempt to violently suppress this mostly spontaneous popular revolt led by a new generation of Palestinians who will not accept living under Occupation and Apartheid.


The fact that Israel and its state-supported settler militias are committing their racist crimes in broad daylight and recorded live on television goes to show the level of impunity that Israel still enjoys. This simply demonstrates the deep complicity of the Superpowers and the West with the illegitimate Zionist Project in Israel and the abysmal failure of the UN to protect the basic human rights of the Palestinians.


Just like Israel’s 7 year siege of Gaza and the four massacres since 2008, there is a complete bias of the reporting of the mainstream international media and an outrageous paucity of international response to the Israeli killings and brutalities of the Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.


VPM in solidarity with the youth led popular uprising in Palestine urges:

1 The Malaysian government though her offices in the Security Council of the UN, OIC and ASEAN to demand for a military embargo and sanction of Israel.


2 All Malaysian government linked companies (GLC) and corporations to divest from companies which are blatantly complicit in the ongoing oppression taking place at present. The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions National Committee (BNC) has black-listed complicit international companies, such as G4S and HP, and Israeli companies, such as Elbit Systems, that participate in Israel’s infrastructure of oppression. See more at:http://www.bdsmovement.net/2015/call-out-international-wave-of-solidarity-with-palestine-13334#sthash.MtuxpxpN.dpuf


3 All Malaysian NGOs and people of conscience to deplore the extra-judicial killings and brutalities of the innocent and support the humanitarian struggle of the Palestinian people in their quest for justice, freedom and equality.





Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin

Chairman VPM


Hashim Yeop Sani Media Summer School

Posted in Fund Disbursement

Final report for project No:(40/2015)
Project Name: Hashim Yeop Sani Media Summer School.
Targeted Area: Gaza Strip.
Targeted group: 60 young students.
Project budget: USD 3000
Project Description:To educate and train young people in Gaza (in English) to advocate for Palestine using alternative media outlets.

2 The program includes workshops on New Media, Blogging, Current Political Issues, Media Discourse, Photography, and Competitions.