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Miko Peled in KL and Penang

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with Tun  Miko.corrected lunch with TunmikoMahmoudpress conference with tun MikoBFM

The Miko Peled talks attracted a colourful audience and wide press coverage. If you missed I am afraid you missed big time. Many were touched and moved and some shed a tear or two of his personal journey to unravel the politics in Palestine, its people and its stories.
Myths and lies were debunked and he laid bare the hypocrisy and misinformation prevalent in the Zionist controlled western media.
Truly a courageous and brave man to pursue the truth despite being brought up in a dense "Zionist ambience" – his granddad a co-signatory of the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948 and his dad a general in the 1967 war when Israeli invaded and annexed Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and Sinai. And his quest for authenticity persisted despite losing his niece to suicide bombings in 1997.
His book the The General's Son was sold out – autographed personally by Miko.
"The World will never be FREE until Palestine is FREE" – Nelson Mandela
Dr Musa MN
Chairman VPM


Posted in Fund Raising

Food Basket ePoster 100613a.FinalVPM has disbursed USD 75,000 (or EURO 56,300 equivalent to RM238,000) enough to fund 1,500 food baskets. To ensure a more equitable distribution, VPM had asked that the food baskets be distributed to various charities throughout Gaza as follows: 

            • IS of Khan Younis
            • Al Mujama Al Islami
            • IS of Gaza
            • Multaka Rahma
            • Salam Society
            • Palestinian Welfare House
            • Islamic Society Jabaliyah

Thank you to all our generous donors. May every sen you contributed bring joy to the famalies in Gaza and abundant reward to you from the Almighty.

 IMG 2140 IMG 2150 



Posted in Fund Disbursement

FSDA.4.smallRamzy Baroud ran the Seattle Marathon on 25 November 2012 on behalf of Viva Palestina Malaysia to raise funds for our women's micro financing project in Gaza.

21 Families have benefited from this USD20,000 donation drive. which was disbursed to various Micro Financing Projects in Northern Gaza Strip.

On 2 June 2013 the Family & Development Society held a course to 21 beneficiaries on how to make their micro Finance Projects a success.

Letter from Emad Burnat

Posted in Articles

Dear all my friends,
It was my pleasure coming to Malaysia. Meeting you , all the members of Viva Palestina. I Emad hamza giving Camerawas excited to meet the people in Malaysia. Here is the first camera I get from you. I give it as gift from Viva Palestina, the Malaysian people to this Hamza Burnt. Hamza started to shoot the demonstrations in the village and other villages before, more than one year. He shoot still picture , but he was arrested, because he was taking pictures of the Israeli army using violence against Palestinians, he spent 9 month in jail, after 9 month he was released to his home in my village Bil'in. I meet him I told him don't give up, it important we continue our struggle and your part is to keep filming, so I promised him to give him video camera. So with your support Viva Palestine, we got the camera and I gave to him. We need your support Viva Palestina to continue our projects in the village and Palestine.

Emad Burnat
Producer and co-director of 5 Broken Cameras
24 May 2013

KL-Palestine Film Festival 2013

Posted in Events

KLPFF troopThe recently concluded Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival (17-19 May @ GSC Pavilion) was a success by any measure. The movies screened over the three days left an indelible impression on its viewers.

"Five Broken Camera" & "Lemon Tree" which depicted day light robbery of Palestinian lands, burning of olive trees, chopping of lemon trees, killings, arrests and intimidations were clear favorites leaving many patrons shaken by its inhumanity and cruelty but determined to do more for the victims.

KLPFF met its two objectives; raising awareness regarding the Palestinian struggle and VPM group after KLPFFmuch needed funds for our projects. All the kind contributions in making this event a success cannot be overstated and we would like to record our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who contributed and helped in some way or another.
The funds raised during this festival we hope will in some way alleviate the harsh and dire living conditions in Palestine.

The Prisoners' Diaries

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NormaTun17 April is the Palestinian Prisoners' Day and on this day, the book, The Prisoners' Diaries - Pelestinian voices from the Israeli Gulag is released.  This book was compiled and edited by VPM Treasurer, Norma Hashim and it is dedicated to Samer Issawi and all Palestinian Prisoners, past, present and future. 

The book is a compilation of 22 Palestinian prisoners' experience in Israeli jails.

To purchase the book or to read more, vist the blog: http://theprisonersdiaries.blogspot.com/ 



BFM  MHI3 EmadNorma

The KL Palestine Film Festival

Posted in Events

KLPFF2013.A4.poster.final2Viva Palestina Malaysia (VPM) first collaborated with the Ministry of Information, Communication & Culture through the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) to stage the very successful inaugural Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival from 4th – 6th February 2012 (KLPFF2012).

KLPFF2013 is a follow on from KLPFF2012 which not only succeeded in generating RM2 million in funds from both the public and the Ministry of Education, it was able to reach an audience largely not exposed to the realities of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine.

Our close collaboration with the Ministry has enabled us to showcase a film festival of international quality in the Asia-Pacific which we hope would remain a regular feature in our mainstreaming of the Palestine cause.

The objectives of the festival are twofold:
1. to create awareness about the Palestinian struggle through cinema; and
2. to raise funds for VPM's ongoing projects in Gaza.

This year the funds raised from the festival will be channeled to:

1. Rehabilitation of the agricultural sector in the Gaza Strip
2. Equipping a Paediatric Surgical Referral Centre for the Gaza Strip

Bringing together film makers from France and Britain among others, these movies juxtapose the complexity with the simplicity of the life of a Palestinian. The films reflect the legendary spirit of an entire people that stays unbroken in spite of over sixty years of brutal occupation. It is about ordinary people living extraordinary lives.

Talk at Mutiara International Grammar School

Posted in VPM

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Mutiara International Grammar School initiated a school charity drive from 25 Feb – 1 Mar 2013 to promote awareness on the plight of the Palestinians. The fundraising campaign is aimed to facilitate the safe, healthy and educational development of Palestinian children to study, socialize and develop skills that would be useful throughout their lives.

The talk was hugely successful in that it truly spread the awareness amongst the children. And, that awareness drove them to make generous contributions towards the Palestinina Fund. The total collection amounted to RM15,000. Thank you MIGS fro your generosity.

Cheque Presentation at UiTM

Posted in VPM

 UITM -Ahmad3  uitm perak

0n 23 Feb 2013, Universiti Teknologi Mara (Perak), in conjunction with their Program Perkongsian ilmu mentor menteri UiTM, handed a cheque to Viva Palestina Malaysia amounting to RM10,414.50. This amount was collected from students, staff and parents at the UiTM Perak Seri Iskandar Campus. The cheque was handed over to us by the university's Menteri Mentor, Yg Bhg Dato Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah (who is Malaysia's Seconf Fianance Minister).


Posted in Fund Raising


Viva Palestina Malaysia received RM10,000.00 mock up cheque from PUSPANITA, MOE on 30 January 2013 at their 30th Annual General meeting in Putrajaya. The cheque was handed over by PUSPANITA Patron, YBhg Puan Sri Norainee Abdul Rahman to Puan Siti Jamilah Sheikh Abdullah Vice Chairman of Viva Palestina Malaysia.The donation was meant to help  the Palestinians. The recent attacks on Gaza in November 2012  led to the  killing of 174 Palestinians. The collection was initiated from 38 branches of PUSPANITA MOE nationwide.

Donation from Perbadanan Perwira Niaga Malaysia (PERNAMA)

Posted in Fund Raising


PERWIRA NIAGA MALAYSIA(PERNAMA) have initiated an effort to help  Palestinians in need. PERNAMA  collected RM16,650.00 from its 73 outlets nationwide . The cheque was handed by PERNAMA's General Manager, Datuk Abdul Wahab Khalil to VPM. The donation exercise raised much awareness among the armed forces personnel & familiesabout the plight of Palestinians. They managed to collect the amount within a month after the launch.  The ceremony was attended by Hj.Mohd Idrus Abd.Hamid, Pn.Noorazian Anidin ,Mr.Ahmed Barakat from Viva Palestina Malaysia & witnessed by Mr.Attiya Mansour the Vice Chairman of Islamic Society Jabaliya Gaza.Palestine.

Harry Fear's Speaking Tour

Posted in Events

harry-fear-theStarStar articleHarry Fear was in Kuala Lumpur to give a series of talks on the Palestine conflict as part of his world tour. His trip to Malaysia was organised by Viva Palestina Malaysia and it proved to be a very successful one as reported in The Star http://archives.thestar.com.my/search/?q=harry+fear

“If possible, visit Gaza.” These are the words of British independent journalist Harry Fear (pic), urging people to see for themselves what life is like in the embattled area in Palestine.

“Generally people don’t know what it is like for the Palestinians,” said Fear, 23, who is on a talking world tour to raise awareness about the situation in Palestine.

Malaysia is his seventh stopover after Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Canada and the United States.

Fundraising Futsal event at Sports Planet Grand, Subang Jaya

Posted in Events

futsal3The Subang Jaya Old Boys Charity Futsal organized their Annual Charity Futsal & Bazaar 2013 event but this time around they made it bigger and better! In view of the recent onslaught on Gaza, they unanimously agreed to donate the full proceeds from the Event to Viva Palestina Malaysia.

The VPM team — Amin Rahman, Neville Ponnurajah, Adly Almanzo Adnan, Ahmed Khamis, Faheem Amir and Adam Azman.

The teams were briefed by Ahmed Khamis  about Gaza before the start of the tournament. 

There was also a team from MSRI made up of boys who are refugees from Iraq, Afganistan and Iran, and the coach from Syria.