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Fundraising Futsal event at Sports Planet Grand, Subang Jaya

Posted in Events

futsal3The Subang Jaya Old Boys Charity Futsal organized their Annual Charity Futsal & Bazaar 2013 event but this time around they made it bigger and better! In view of the recent onslaught on Gaza, they unanimously agreed to donate the full proceeds from the Event to Viva Palestina Malaysia.

The VPM team — Amin Rahman, Neville Ponnurajah, Adly Almanzo Adnan, Ahmed Khamis, Faheem Amir and Adam Azman.

The teams were briefed by Ahmed Khamis  about Gaza before the start of the tournament. 

There was also a team from MSRI made up of boys who are refugees from Iraq, Afganistan and Iran, and the coach from Syria.


Posted in Articles

The town of Migdal HaEmek was built on the ruins of the Palestinian village of Al-Mujaydil (المْجيدل) which was depopulated of its Palestinian Arab residents by the invading Zionists in 1948. The village, which is located near Nazareth in the northern part of occupied Palestine, was rebuilt and renamed Migdal HaEmek and now has 24,000 Jewish settlers living in it. Prior to the ethnic cleansing and destruction of Al-Mujaydil, 18,165 out of 18,836 dounams of the land of al-Mujaydil were privately owned by Palestinian Arabs, and the remainder was largely public village lands. The villagers were expelled and have since been denied their right to return to their homes and lands. L'Oreal's plant is located on private illegally occupied land, and was erected without permission of its owners. Thus, the company is conducting business in violation of international law. It is trespassing on privately-owned property.

Jojn us to demand that L'Oreal shut down and dismantle its plants in Israel and stop profiting from its operations on land stolen from Palestinian refugees without permission of the owners. Join us in boycotting all of L'Oreal's products until the company does so. Please sign the petition and Help us by spreading this message.

sign petition

PM visit to Gaza

Posted in VPM

23 Jan 2013
Statement from Dato' Dr Musa Mohd Nordin
Chairman, Viva Palestina Malaysianajib in Gaza3

One of the sweetest moments for a prisoner is when his loved one visits him. Imagine the excitement of the Gazans living in the "largest ever open prison in the world" being visited by a VIP, the PM of Malaysia himself. It would be a historic occasion realizing they are not forgotten and their visitor carries the greetings from Malaysian of all walks of life, reaffirming Malaysia's solidarity with their struggle for freedom, justice and self determination. Malaysia's proven track record of arbitrating peace deals between parties at odds would place her in an enviable position to broker an amicable solution between the Gaza and Fatah factions. Both factions of the Palestinian struggle aspire similar end points, namely an end to the siege, return of their homeland and the establishment of the Palestinian nation state. VPM lauds the initiative of the PM and his team to incubate a One-Palestine team to face together the treacherous neo-colonialist schemes of the Israeli government.

VPM’s visit to Gaza (16 -21 January 2013)

Posted in VPM

home welcomeDr Husna and Mohamad Afiq are representing VPM on this trip to Gaza organized by Aqsa Syarif (AS) code A2G13. 

Apart from the job allocated by AS, as VPM volunteers, they will be required to audit VPM projects in Gaza. It is a working visit and not like others who go to "just see the disaster and tour". We in VPM & AS do not encourage the idea of "disaster tourism" or "volunt-tourism". All our volunteers must make themselves useful to the people of Gaza and ensure all our projects to help the people of Gaza are up and running.

Two Israeli documentaries shortlisted for Academy Award nomination

Posted in Articles

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Mideast conflict has done little to help Israel's image in the world, but the way local filmmakers deal critically with the Israel-Palestinian issue has won wide international praise — and, this year, recognition from the top of the movie industry.

Two Israeli-produced documentaries about the conflict have been shortlisted for possible nomination in this year's Academy Awards. Few Israeli films have contended in the Best Documentary category before. The shortlisted films represent rare recognition of foreign entrants in a category dominated by American productions.

African National Congress has made BDS against Israel an official policy

Posted in Gaza

south africa bds 2012For the first time ever, the African National Congress (ANC), the ruling party in South Africa, today made the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel part of its official policy.

Mbuyiseni Ndlozi of BDS South Africa said the decision "by the ANC's National Conference, its highest decision making body, is by far the most authoritative endorsement of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel campaign."

Charity Booth at Bangsar Shopping Centre

Posted in Events

2 Dec 2012 VPM had a charity booth at BSC for a week from Monday, 26 Nov. The response we received from the crowd at BSC was overwhelming and the crowd ranged from local to expatriate across all nationalities and religion. We had no shortage of yummy food from cakes to chocolates to curry puffs to 'nasi tumpang' to 'nasi goreng' to tiramisu and quiche etc etc etc that were brought to our booth on a daily basis to be sold for charity towards emergency relief for Gaza.

We were most touched by the kids from Rumah Solehah who requested to contribute 100 red velvet cupcakes for our charity booth. Fazilah Ahmad, a baker, baked the cupcakes and the kids from Rumah Solehah contributed their creative skills in creating the cupcake toppers.

School Refurbishment

Posted in Projects in Gaza

moe 3The presentation of the final report on School Project in Gaza was held on 31 January 2013 @ 4.00pm to Y.Bhg Tan Sri Abdul Ghafar Mahmud the Director General of Education, Block E8, Complex E, Ministry of Education, Putrajaya,Malaysia.

The Project of Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Classrooms, Laboratories and Facilities of Eleven (11) Schools in Jabaliya, Gaza strip was funded by Ministry of Education Malaysia amounting to RM 1,728,381.39 equivalent to USD560,000.00

Viva Palestina Malaysia has successfully managed the project with the collaboration of Islamic Society Jabaliya Gaza, Palestine.The project was completed in December 2012.

Resistance is Marathon: Support Gaza, Empower Its People

Posted in VPM

By Ramzy Baroud

runnerDear friends, thank you for your support and encouragement. I just finished my sixth full marathon for Palestine and Gaza. My first Marathon was in Canada in 2007. It was soon after Israel placed Gaza under a hermetic siege, and my latest was today, in Seattle, in honor of the sacrifices of the men, women and children that make Gaza the incredibly inspiring place that it is.

I ran my first Marathon with untold frustration and resentment of all that has befallen our people – the siege, the once promising but later botched democracy, the regional and international plot against Gaza, and the most tragic fighting between the brethren in Hamas and Fatah. But today I ran with untold pride because of the resistance of the Palestinian people in Gaza against Israel's last war.

Touched by the kids of Rumah Solehah

Posted in VPM

Cupcakes Rumah Solehah1Kids from Rumah Solehah requested to contribute 100 red velvet cupcakes for VPM Charity Bazaar at Bangsar Shopping Centre. Fazilah Ahmad, a baker, baked the cupcakes and the kids wanted to contribute their creative skills in creating the cupcake toppers.

The kids have been told about what's happening in Gaza and they are thrilled to join in to help in whatever way they can. This is one great way to share with kids what's happening outside their country and how they may help!

We are deeply touched by the generosity of the kids at Rumah Solehah and the baker too, we thank them and may they all be blessed and rewarded by the Al-Mighty.

Gaza Relief - Emergency Fund

Posted in Fund Disbursement

updateDonations have continued to pour in since we launched this campaign on 16 November 2012. As at 13 December, our collections totaled RM 1,003,303. As of 26 November, we have dispatched a total of RM 435,000 (USD 145,000) and will be dispatching more funds soon. 

Thank you to all the generous donors and may the Al-Mighty bless you for your generosity. The funds that have been sent to Gaza have been used to buy much needed supplies and these supplies have been distributed to the victims of this brutal attack by Israel. Gaza needs a lot more help for rebuilding and medical supplies so please continue to donate more.

We carried out a donation drive at Masjid Wilayah and Masjid Negara on Friday, 23 November and we collected a total of RM47,990 from both mosques through donations and sales of our paraphernalia. Other donation drives have also been and are currently being carried out by our volunteers at various mosques and locations.

Jovian Mandagie extends a helping hand

Posted in Events

Dec 3, 2012 Fashion designer, Jovian Mandagie (JM), a favored couturier amongst super stars as well as KL's most elite, organized a Humanity Walk JM at the Pavilion Shopping Centre in KL. Response from the shopping crowd was very good and we collected RM7,396.30 in donations and sale of VPM paraphernalia in just 2 hours. All proceeds were given to VPM for the re-development of Gaza. We would like to thank everyone who have come to help in the event. Friends, family and followers, God bless you! Special thanks to Carlos & Pavilion for giving us the opportunity to make such chaos in that two hours.

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